UFES - Federal University of ES

In 2008, aiming at reducing call costs between its sites, GAMATEL was hired by UFES to deploy a modern IP trunking solution (SIP protocol) between all sites, including its referral hospital, HUCAM (University Hospital ).

Hospital is an extremely important part for the institution, the Federal University of ES, which in addition to the hospital, provides other relevant services to society through its various colleges, research laboratories, doctoral centers and health facilities. With such social responsibility for the state of Espírito Santo, the institution needs a highly available “Cinco Nine” telephone system (99.999%) to keep its activities in full operation aided by an effective communication system, ensuring community satisfaction in the service. , provision of information and internal services!


 System: Hybrid telephone exchange (digital, analog and IP) and centralized charging system.

Quantitative: 08 telephone exchanges, 40 IP SIP extensions, 4400 analog extensions and 20 digital extensions.

Featured: IP trunking (SIP Trunk) between all units.

Year / Place: Cliente desde 1993 / Vitória/ES